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 MageGuild 1.1 Finalizing

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2 posters

Number of posts : 247
Age : 39
Registration date : 2008-04-03

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PostSubject: MageGuild 1.1 Finalizing   MageGuild 1.1 Finalizing Icon_minitimeWed Nov 12, 2008 10:27 am

Ok, guys; MG 1.1 is wrapping up, as far as I can tell. If you have any other bugs or pressing balance issues that you think would be good for this release, now would be a very good time to let me know. Smile 2.0 is the next planned milestone, and it will probably be a while.

Here's a to-date changelist:

#### 1.1

*New stuff:
-updated LRLLib to Phasma
-added optional auto-center
-removed screen size cap
-added full-screen mode
-added escape menu to access options and save mid-game
-removed edges that you can't take at chargen from the chargen screen
-bumping an ally now swaps places with them

*Balance tweaks:
-pared motes, oozes, and a few others out of the list of things the PC can summon
-made PC's summon produce slightly higher level things on average
-made PC's summon not create neutrals, and create hostiles less often
-made armor able to be cast on others

*Bug fixes:
-should now behave correctly if you 'esc' at the archmage choice menu
-improved handling of larger-than-default fonts/sizes
-fixed display bug with overcharged dig
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Beta Tester
Beta Tester

Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2008-04-08

MageGuild 1.1 Finalizing Empty
PostSubject: Re: MageGuild 1.1 Finalizing   MageGuild 1.1 Finalizing Icon_minitimeSat Nov 15, 2008 1:21 pm

Sounds good!

I just rediscovered MageGuild after a long time of playing other games. It's even better now than before!

Keep those updates coming!

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Number of posts : 247
Age : 39
Registration date : 2008-04-03

MageGuild 1.1 Finalizing Empty
PostSubject: Re: MageGuild 1.1 Finalizing   MageGuild 1.1 Finalizing Icon_minitimeSat Nov 15, 2008 8:31 pm

I was wondering where you'd headed off to. Smile

Yeah, given the lack of new issues, 1.1 will get released this coming week, God willing and the creeks don't rise.
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MageGuild 1.1 Finalizing Empty
PostSubject: Re: MageGuild 1.1 Finalizing   MageGuild 1.1 Finalizing Icon_minitime

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MageGuild 1.1 Finalizing
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